hello, nice to meet you

Hi my name is Heidi and I’m a fitness convert and a recovering people pleaser (is that ok?)! I’m a wife and mom to 3--and I bet I’m a lot like you! I’m a big classic rock fan (I heart the beatles) and I’m obsessed with personal development. It’s NEVER too late to start--it just takes training + patience + self respect. I love helping women discover the worth in food and in themselves!

Hi my name is Natalie and I’m a food obsessed recovering self defeater (ha ha notice it says eater in it- I am all in on this food business). I’m a wife, mom to 5 punks, and a hairdresser of 22 years by trade. I love making people feel good- inside and out which is why coaching & supporting women is my jam. Finding myself later in life and being liberated from the lies and defeat of dieting is my mission for you. Together we’ll work towards uncovering a version of yourself you never thought possible.

together we make
Butter Your Macros,
a place where we believe a goal-driven life can also be delicious. Counting macros allowed us to be in charge of our own nutrition. It allowed us to harness that power and create the changes in our bodies that we wanted to see. It taught us how to fuel our bodies for stable energy and performance. It’s not a value system—there are no “good” or “bad” foods, and we’ve found that becoming less judgmental of food has the super positive side effect of helping you become less judgemental of yourself...and others!
As coaches our goal is to teach you a lifestyle— a shift from diet culture and deprivation, to know the power of decisions without restrictions, to discover what’s worth it, & to find delicious balance that is inclusive of everything you want out of life.
Through this process we’ve learned a lot about what we like, what we really want and who we really are. And we want to show you how. No one does macro counting and life application better than us. You can do it alone and waste time hopping from one set of numbers to another & never get a complete set of tools for success. Or, you can join us!

We offer one on one coaching and a full service group coaching program with endless information, tools, strategies, and nuances. There’s not a situation you can throw at us that we can’t help you navigate through to create a successful plan.
client success
Just wanted to say I think you guys are doing great and I love your program. Your encouragement is contagious and I’m so grateful and thankful for your program. I’ve never felt like it was a diet and it’s changed my life! Thank you!!
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