hello, nice to meet you

Hi! My name is Heidi! I am a wife, mom of 3, small business owner, macro coach, athlete, Be Bold master, life coach, Precision Nutrition Sports Nutritionist, Crossfit lover, and autism mom. I am originally from Utah but I have lived in southern California for almost half my life with my wonderful husband and 3 beautiful kids!
What I love about macro counting is the objectivity. There are no good or bad foods, and it’s an objective system to measure your eating instead of always assuming you did a horrible job. You may find, like I did, that under eating is as big of an issue for you as overeating.
I love constantly learning and studying all the things, so that I can become a better coach. I truly believe that our thoughts create our circumstances, and with a little nudge in the right direction we can work on understanding ourselves better to reach our goals. My hope is that we can help women see how beautiful they really are, inside and out, how loving themselves right where they are will help them live the life they’ve always dreamed of + reach the goals they’ve always hoped for, and teach them that feeding and fueling your body is the best gift you can ever give yourself.
The secret is to embrace who you are now. To unveil YOURSELF. Look for the good things in you...and in everyone. Give yourself permission to dream about your possibilities. Exhale. And take a step forward.
Macros helped me find not only food freedom, but also mental clarity. Something I strive for every day.

Hi I'm Natalie! I am a wife, mom of 5, small business owner, macro coach, athlete, CrossFit lover, hair stylist, everyone’s favorite personal shopper, lover of all things food, and your number one fan. I was born in Hollywood, CA and I am the oldest of 9 kids! I am a Precision Nutrition Certified sports nutritionist and a Clean Health Fitness Certified performance nutritionist.
Before Macros, I used to start and end everything in secret. Weight watchers for the 15th time? Attempts at Zumba #needmoreswish. New recipes with backup ones in case they tanked. You see, I believed that if no one knew I was trying then no one knew when I was failing.
Before macros, that had always been my plan. But the holes in my logic were that I KINDA ALWAYS BELIEVED I WAS FAILING. Even when I wasn’t.. It's so hard to be objective about ourselves, and I honestly believe we're not always meant to be. And that is one of the many reasons why I fell in love with macro coaching.
I fiercely believe that anyone can reach their goals, create the life (+body+mind) they’ve always dreamed of, and ENJOY doing it! I love to constantly challenge myself to always be learning and improving my coaching skills so that I can better serve our girls. I’m here for it all and I’ll always be your honest, genuine, truth-telling, hand-holding, motivational voice in your head, soft place to land, encouraging, supportive coach
Sometimes I'm just going to look like an idiot. Sometimes I'm gonna look like a genius. Both have their place in my life. What I do know. Is that anything I've learned in my life came from starting. So if you're here cause you're wanting to start. Or you're here cause you're starting for the 10th time, I'd love to start with you or alongside you.

together, with our fabulous coaches, we make
Team Butters

Hey, I’m Celeste. I’m a wife to the best human around, mom to four feral children ages 15-5 and to a goldendoodle who is obsessed with me and only me. We love living in Las Vegas and don’t really miss Northern Utah and its weather. I love baking and used to do wedding cakes, still might if you ask real nice. If I had a superpower it would be teleportation so I could go around the world convincing women to lift heavy… and I’d also travel and go to a LOT of concerts. (Covid is slowly killing my soul) I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.
Growing up I was told by my shorter and sportier sisters that I was a waste of height. I am 6 feet tall and wasn’t interested in athletics. I spent years attempting a modeling career during the 90s when “heroin-chic” was the look and guess what? That look is not super attainable if you don’t actually do heroin. I’ve spent a lot of time fighting against my body to try and make it fit a mold that it was never made to fit. I did and loved all the group classes at my gyms, but it wasn’t until 2017 when I maxed out on squat weight in Body Pump that I challenged myself to get into the weight room that I really fell in love with my body and what it can do.
I’ve been tracking macros since 2015, but it’s only been recently that I’ve ventured into the amazing world of maintenance. Life changer. And you know what else was a life-changer? Bumping into Heidi in an elevator at a coaching conference. I joined Butter Your Macros soon after that and learned so much! I’m so excited to be on the team. I love the combination of brutal honesty with ourselves, total personal accountability and well informed choices. I love that we have the ability to learn so many mental, emotional and dare I say, even spiritual concepts through the process of mastering our bodies. I believe our bodies are our most powerful tool for self-development and fulfillment and I’m so grateful for the opportunity. I’m excited to cheer each of you on in that process as well.

Hi! My name is Jenna! I’ve lived in southern California my entire life and I’ve been married to my best friend for a little over 20 years. We have three children and are right smack in the middle of teenage girl life. Lots of fun!
My macro journey began about 6 years ago when I discovered Crossfit. I loved the challenge of this sport. It ignited a competitive desire in me to want to be better and to see what my body was capable of doing. The coaches at my gym offered nutritional challenges that taught me how to count macros. It was when I paired this nutrition piece with my workouts that I saw the magic happen.
A couple of years later, my dear friend Natalie taught me the beauty of reversing and how to happily live in maintenance. This prompted me to dive deeper into the macro world and soak up as much learning as I could. I received my Performance Nutrition cert from the Clean Health Fitness Institute, whose focus is getting results based on the science of training and nutrition.
So, I've done it all (almost) in regards to diets, cuts, reverses, binging, and I've discovered a lot about myself in this process. I've learned that food is my friend, not my enemy. I've learned discipline -- and it's this discipline that gets me out of bed each morning to workout even when I don't always want to. I've learned to be kind to myself and extend self-compassion when I go off the rails and eat an entire box of Girl Scout Thin Mints.
Learning to count macros taught me that it's 100% OKAY to not be perfect because we can always learn from every experience and move forward with new knowledge. The best part? I can impart my experience and knowledge to others and teach them ways to be healthy and how to have a positive relationship with food; and I can show them that being strong is so much better than being skinny.

Hi! My name is Jordan! I am a wife, military spouse, coach, athlete, lover of all things outdoors, amateur chef and baker! I am a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, AFAA Group Fitness Instructor, Level 1 Precision Nutrition Sports Nutrition Coach, Girls Gone Strong Level 1 Coach, and I am currently working on my CSCS. I have always loved helping people, especially women, discover their inner beauty and reach their fullest potential!
While I joined every random sport growing up - karate (second degree blackbelt!), gymnastics, cheerleading, volleyball, long distance running - I had very little athletic ability. I struggled most of my life with my weight and body image. In 2017 I stumbled upon Butter Your Macros on instagram and just knew I had to work with them.
While working with Heidi + Natalie, I learned how to properly fuel my body eating foods I loved, eating out with friends, and a love for protein (lol!)! With their help, I learned how to not only master my macros, but also master my mind - the real secret to success.
I am still a work in progress but the difference is I love myself where I am now, I know where I’ve been, and I know how to course correct when I feel myself experiencing negative thought loops. The work is hard, but it is SO worth it. I can now appreciate my body for what it has done, currently does, and what it will do. I can now understand the importance of positive self-talk and self-love. I can now finally say my main goal is to be happy and healthy first, knowing the aesthetics and performance goals will follow.
My only goal now is to help every woman, just like you, not spend their whole lives searching for that feeling of health and happiness, to help every woman find their own physical strength that can positively affect mental strength, to help every woman love themselves even on the dark days. Macros allowed me to see food for what it is – just food – and how it could best fuel not only my body and my workouts, but my heart and soul.
5 women on a mission to help women, just like YOU, create the goal-driven, delicious life they've always dreamed of
client success
Super thankful for you! I swear I don't know where I'd be this last year without the butters team! I look forward to office hours every week for connection and support you guys always provide!
The coaches are all amazing, real people with so much knowledge and a willingness to share and help you reach your goals! You're in for a positive life experience!